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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

Saturday, July 2, 2005

MCPL Background

Malaysian Community for Progressive Leadership (MCPL), an online progressive community, has a clear and bold purpose: To change the direction of this country. We will do this by building a nationwide network that will provide much-needed early support to progressive thinkers and activists - helping them to  bring progressive values into the halls of government.

MCPL is a one-stop connection to innovative and idealistic thinkers and activists working to build a practical — and progressive — future. MCPL will foster the emergence of a talented "farm team" of future progressive leaders and decision-makers in Malaysia. We know it's not going to happen overnight. But it can happen with disciplined strategies, determination and yes, financial support.

It's time to turn up the heat. MCPL networks need to lead the way against the anti-democracy, anti-human right, corruption, cronisme, nepotisme, and unmanage agenda being pushed by the Abdullah Badawi Administration and the National Front who control Parliament. But that's not all. MCPL must also challenge and embolden Opposition to fight against the National Front tide throughout the country.

In this political cycle, MCPL will conduct outreach, recruitment and training to create new classes of top-flight progressive thinkers and activists — and we will provide the campaign support necessary to put the victory in office.
MCPL also intends to act as a hub for progressive thinking and programs. MCPL will connect you to: politician who care smart, common sense groups working for change action opportunities and alerts on pressing issues.

Modified on July 6, 2005 at 11:45 AM